
Upcoming Apec webinars: impact jobs, V.I.E/V.I.A, internships/alternatives, Paris 2024

01 April 2024 Networks
Viewed 210 times

  • Thursday,
    February 22, 2 to 3:30 p.m. - V.I.E / V.I.A (co-hosted with Business France and France Travail)

Registration link: https: //

  • Thursday, March 7, 1pm - 2pm : 10 tips for finding a work-study placement

Registration link: https: //

  • Thursday April 25 from 1pm to 2pm : Diagnose your skills: acquire a method and a model to identify your skills, and distinguish between knowledge, know-how and know-how. Demonstrate the transferability of skills.

Registration link: https: //

  • Thursday May 16, 1pm to 2pm : Get visible with social networks: Make your profile visible on social networks, expand your network and get contacted.

Registration link: https: //

  • Thursday June 6 from 1pm to 2pm : Negotiating your salary: the knowledge and tools you need to master compensation and be ready to negotiate from the very first interview.

Registration link: https: //

Nota Bene:

✅ Registration links are active until 24 hours before the workshop.

✅ Candidates will receive a Teams login link after registering via the private link

✅ These webinars will not be available for replay

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