Reprise d'études

Do you want to resume your studies and give your career a new boost?

Every year, IGR-IAE Rennes welcomes nearly 200 professionals who want to gain new skills in its facilities.

At the University of Rennes 1, there are over 3,500 continuing education students in nearly 500 courses.

Customized support

To help you in your efforts, the Continuing Education Service of the University of Rennes 1, located at IGR-IAE Rennes, accompanies you throughout the year on:

  • The construction of your professional project ("needs analysis") to resume your studies or VAE,
  • Identification of the most appropriate training and the most suitable system ( study resumption, accreditation of prior learning, modularization, ...),
  • Support with administrative and financial files,
  • Support throughout the training process.

Continuing Education and Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE)

Resuming your studies is open to everyone, whether you are a private employee, a job seeker, a civil servant, a self-employed person or a self-employed professional.

All IGR-IAE Rennes diplomas are accessible through continuing education. They can be obtained either by resuming your studies or through a Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).


Building your project

Resuming your education requires you to question your objectives and your motivation. It requires you to think about your professional and personal organization, to evaluate the time available to attend classes, work on a report or prepare for exams.

The “Guide de la Reprise d'Etudes” will help you with a few questions and a 5-step process to build your project.


Courses that are compatible with your professional activity

The pace of the courses, offered part-time over the course of an academic year, allows everyone to reconcile their training with a professional activity or an active job search.

The modularization system also makes it possible to include training modules within specific diplomas or to complete a degree over several years.