
Our raison d'être

12 July 2024 IGR Alumni
Viewed 769 times

One year ago, we took over the presidency of IGR Alumni, and we could give you an account of the past year, but what counts for us today is the future and the many projects we have in store for our graduates!


This year, we affirm our raison d'être;

"IGR Alumni is committed to energizing and growing the alumni network around a common interest, facilitating transitions and employability at every stage of a career, through friendly, intergenerational encounters."


We're continuing to bring our graduates together by offering more business-oriented events. Starting in September, we'll be organizing monthly networking lunches, similar to those organized by business clubs.


Our commitment to IGR-IAE Rennes students and their associations is further strengthened by the possibility for alumni to sponsor an M2 student or an association.


The year 2024 also marks the arrival of 3 IGRians as IAE France Partner presidents, a great opportunity for IGR to shine within the IAE network and for us alumni to forge links with the alumni networks of each IAE, share best practices and exchange new ideas.


The continuing education of graduates and the development of their skills are key to career development, and we want to strengthen our involvement by promoting the skills certificates created by the IGR and by creating "Alumnipédia", a database for sharing documents between Alumni and for Alumni.


Not forgetting our traditional afterworks in the regions, company visits, themed workshops and conferences!


We've got some great projects coming up, thanks to the support of the office: Baptiste, Xavier & Emma. Thanks to our allies: Gwénégan & Léna and thanks to the management of IGR-IAE Rennes, Hélène Rainelli-Weiss and her team.


To find out more about our projects throughout the year, don't hesitate to follow us on our LinkedIn and Instagram pages.


Morgane and Aurélie

Co-Presidents IGR Alumni

Love it


Yannick BOUGEARD (1988)
2 months ago
Quel beau programme qui sera formalisé! Il renoue avec les projets que j'avais initié lors de ma vice-présidence à Club 5000 et mon action en région parisienne! Je regrette que ma santé m'ait fait défaut pour rejoindre l'Anniversaire Party et la dernière AG! Bravo pur votre engagement, Morgane et Aurélie!
Yannick BOUGEARD (1988)
2 months ago
Bel été à toutes et à tous!
Isabelle THIBAULT (2011)
2 months ago
génial, vivement la rentrée ! merci les Présidentes

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